Albert Jonathan, Ph.D.

Co-Founder, Director


Albert Jonathan is the Co-Founder of Lakes. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in 2019, supervised by Prof. Abhishek Chandra and Prof. Jon Weissman. His research interests are in the fields of Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing. His thesis, Multi-Tenant Geo-Distributed Data Analytics, has focused on the resource-sharing, reliability, and performance aspects of data analytics systems.

B.S. in Computer Science

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
2011 - 2014

M.S. in Computer Science

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
2014 - 2016

Ph.D. in Computer Science

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
2016 - 2019


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  1. Multi-Tenant Geo-Distributed Data Analytics
    Albert Jonathan
  2. WASP: Wide-area Adaptive Stream Processing
    Albert Jonathan, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the ACM/IFIP Middleware (Middleware), December 2020, Delft, the Netherlands
  3. Multi-Query Optimization in Wide-Area Streaming Analytics
    Albert Jonathan, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), October 2018, Carlsbad, CA
  4. Rethinking Adaptability in Wide-Area Stream Processing Systems
    Albert Jonathan, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud), July 2018, Boston, MA
  5. Locality-Aware Load Sharing in Mobile Cloud Computing
    Albert Jonathan, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), December 2017, Austin, TX
  6. Nebula: Distributed Edge Cloud for Data Intensive Computing
    Albert Jonathan, Mathew Ryden, Kwangsung Oh, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Volume 28, Issue 11, November 2017
  7. Ensuring Reliability in Geo-Distributed Edge Cloud
    Albert Jonathan, Muhammed Uluyol, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the IEEE Resilience Week (RWS), September 2017, Wilmington, DE
  8. GARNET: A Holistic System Approach for Trending Queries in Microblogs
    Christopher Jonathan, Amr Magdy, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Albert Jonathan
    In the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), May 2016, Helsinki, Finland
  9. Awan: Locality-aware Resource Manager for Geo-Distributed Data-intensive Applications
    Albert Jonathan, Abhishek Chandra, and Jon Weissman
    In the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), April 2016, Berlin, Germany


  1. Research Assistant - Distributed Computing Systems Group
    September 2014 - July 2019
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Designed and built a large-scale reliable geo-distributed data analytics system
  2. Teaching Assistant - University of Minnesota
    September 2014 - May 2017
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Courses taught: Operating Systems, Intro to Operating Systems, Machine Architecture, Program Design & Development